Wednesday 7 October 2009

The Meeting of Kronos City

BICS is over, and after a long sleep, I'm ready to discuss the whirlwind that was BICS. The day was such a fantastic one. At one point Andrew, Alex, Stephen Downey (Cancer Town and Slaughterman's Creed) and I were in a lift with Darth Vader. Alex and I were able to catch up with our old uni, who had a stand there.

But most importantly, Team Kronos City was able to meet for the first time. As the picture above shows the three of us (Jim sadly turned invisible) together with our Karma Inc. flyer (and for all those who have read the Chapter One Preview, you'll know all about Karma Inc.). In case any one doesn't know, the photo goes left to right, Andrew, Alex and me. With the amount of correspondence we've all had over the pst 6 months, it felt more like meeting up with an old friend, than meeting someone for the first time ever. And oddly enough, Andrew and Alex both own the same car, so this team was clearly meant to be.

If you want the ultimate report on BICS, go to the Insomnia blog, as Nic tells the story better than I ever could.

I hope anyone else who went enjoyed the weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all at the London MCM Expo!

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